March 25th
The triple conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto and Mars in
Capricorn, in the shadow of January’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction in that sign, is
scripting the course of the pandemic and pointing us to its deeper meanings.
As Mars (warfare and fevers) draws closer to Jupiter and
Pluto he’s fanning the flames, accelerating the infection rate along with the steep
surge in deaths in the West (surge=Mars-Jupiter,
deaths= Pluto). Fear in the population intensifies. People in panic strip the supermarket
shelves, aggressively acting out of self-interest (Mars) to stockpile huge
reserves (Mars-Jupiter). The
magnitude of the risk seems at last to be recognised by the leaders, shaking off the spell of
nebulous Mercury in Pisces (Blog 18th March) after, in the UK and America at
least, dilly dallying and sending out mixed messages. But now while Mercury sextiles
Uranus (20th-24th March) minds are
suddenly changed and a Capricorn Mars now supports the
push to take decisive action.
The directives in the UK over the weekend 20th-22nd
were clear – those who showed symptoms were to self-isolate, all others were to
practise social distancing. But Spring had arrived punctually, the equinox bringing
the first days of settled weather and continuous sunshine for months on end (Venus in Taurus sextile Neptune) drawing many
people out of their homes into the parks and cafes, and breaking the rules. Saturn
entered Aquarius at the same time, heralding a clash between authoritarian
forces in the state upholding law and order and rebellious minorities asserting
the Aquarian values of individual freedom and the right to self-determination. A
change of sign especially for such a powerful planet as Saturn, who, since his
conjunction with Pluto in January, has been central to current events, will
bring a cosmic shift in emphasis.
Following this the UK government muscled in to enforce a stringent
clamp-down generally curbing freedom of
movement. Social isolation (is ordered for all save essential workers and the police are given powers to ensure the
edicts are obeyed (Saturn).
On 24th March there was a new moon in Aries in which both
Sun and Moon conjuncted Chiron and squared the Nodes in Cancer and Capricorn,
setting the stage for the month ahead. Chiron in Aries is symbolised by the wounded
war hero, outwardly bluffing toughness but inside weakened by the knowledge of
his fragility, and dreading helplessness. The north node in Cancer in square to
the new moon brings us into our feelings and is reflected in the pain that the separation
of families is causing, and the suffering of cut-off elderly people. The square
to the south node in Capricorn is reflected in the fear of the hundreds of
deaths ahead in the grandparent generation – alone in the unavoidably inhumane conditions
of makeshift hospitals, without family support; also the pain of the bereaved prevented
from being with their loved-ones, and saying goodbye before their burial. If hearts
in our society, however, are touched now, that can teach the more callous
amongst the younger generations, focussed on their work and internet connecting,
and with the mind-set that is time is money, the importance of inclusive family
relationships. Our way of life in general has leaned too much towards the
Capricorn extreme and we have become a cold society. Many grandparents, when no
longer useful as child-minders, have been abandoned in care homes. But hearts that
have generally hardened may soften up now.
March 2020 is revealing
itself a massive watershed month for the world. Under the threat of the
potential breakdown of our security strutures, we have had to accept what we are
powerless to prevent, and come to terms with our general vulnerability and need
for a community of mutual support. We
must must deal with our inner nightmares as we watch the sheer numbers of beds
for intensive care patients grow, and the coffins piling up in mortuaries,
while thousands are losing their jobs and others seeing businesses they’ve built up over years by great
personal effort, collapse (Mars-Jupiter-Pluto in Capricorn in the shadow of the
Saturn-Pluto conjunction). However, Jupiter is also the planet of higher
understanding and as he moves, harried by Mars, towards his first exact conjunction
with Pluto on 5th April, we’ll descend through dark Capricorn depths before we
can rise to Jupiterian heights. “At the foot of the lighthouse the darkness is darkest“ as
the old Chinese proverb runs.
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