March 25 th The triple conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto and Mars in Capricorn, in the shadow of January’s Saturn-Pluto conjunction in that sign, is scripting the course of the pandemic and pointing us to its deeper meanings. As Mars (warfare and fevers) draws closer to Jupiter and Pluto he’s fanning the flames, accelerating the infection rate along with the steep surge in deaths in the West (surge=Mars-Jupiter, deaths= Pluto). Fear in the population intensifies. People in panic strip the supermarket shelves, aggressively acting out of self-interest (Mars) to stockpile huge reserves (Mars-Jupiter). The magnitude of the risk seems at last to be recognised by the leaders, shaking off the spell of nebulous Mercury in Pisces (Blog 18th March) after, in the UK and America at least, dilly dallying and sending out mixed messages. But now while Mercury sextiles Uranus (20th-24th March) minds are suddenly changed and a Capricorn Mars now supports the push to take decis...
Who am I? I am the author of 'Inside the Cosmic Mind: Archetypal Astrology and the New Cosmology'. which was published by Floris Books, Edinburgh, in August 2014. And this blog has been created to promote the book and the game-changing ideas it contains.