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Showing posts from April, 2020

2020: The Year our Reality Changed Utterly, An Astrological Diary Blog 6

2020, The Year our Reality Changed Utterly: An Astrological Diary: Blog 6, 19th April “A great gift of astrology, perhaps its greatest gift, is this: it shows us we are part of something vast and meaningful; that life is not mere random accidents in space and time.” This is from my friend, Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker, who’s claiming that the cosmos is meaningful in itself, beyond any projections from the human mind. It’s just what I hope this series of blogs will demonstrate. At any moment in time, astrology allows us to step back and watch the ongoing themes arising in the public world and in our personal lives, whose development we can follow and understand in the context of astrology’s bigger cosmic picture. For example events related to the covid epidemic can be put in the context of a meaningful patterning covering a wider reach of time than these days and weeks, and the planets in their ongoing inter-relationships are keys to the developing meaning. ...

2020, The Year Our Reality Changed Utterly: an Astrological Diary Blog 5

Blog 5 April 8th Timetable of Planetary Movements: 5th April, first exactitude of the three 2020 Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions. 7th April, Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. 8th April, full Moon in Libra opposes Sun and quincunxes Neptune. 11th April Mercury enters Aries. Correlations with Events in the News : 5th April: The exactitude to the minute of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction symbolises a peak in the surge of the Covid virus infection (see Blog 1 ) It correlated with first reports of the number of new infections declining in European countries. The UK’s leader Boris Johnson, now sick himself with the virus, is removed to an intensive care unit, while the Queen is addressing the nation in an uplifting speech to give courage and promote national solidarity (Jupiter). The rate of infections and deaths is still rising in the UK, but experts expect the peak to be reached soon (the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is not over in a day, but remains for some weeks in or...

2020 The Year our Reality Changed Utterly an Astrological Diary Blog 4

Blog 4   March 31 st  Timetable of Planetary Movements:   28 th March, Venus-Moon conjunction in Taurus trining Jupiter-Pluto in Capricorn. 30 th March, Mars enters Aquarius. 31 st March, Mars conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius. and Mercury in Pisces emerges from its retrograde shadow phase. 3 rd April, Venus enters Gemini and trines Mars-Saturn in Aquarius, and 4 th April, Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Finally on 5 th April a big event – the first exactitude of the 2020 Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions! Correlating Events on Earth:   28th March: The great tsunami wave of the pandemic towers, and leaders give up on trying to delay it breaking. As Venus conjuncts the Moon in Taurus, billions of pounds (Venus trine Jupiter-Pluto in Capricorn) are pledged to save the UK health services from being overwhelmed. Also with extreme, unheard-of spending measures billions are thrown at trade and industry to prevent a wider melt-down (Jupiter-Pluto in Capricorn...