2020, The Year our Reality Changed Utterly: An Astrological Diary: Blog 6, 19th April “A great gift of astrology, perhaps its greatest gift, is this: it shows us we are part of something vast and meaningful; that life is not mere random accidents in space and time.” This is from my friend, Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker, who’s claiming that the cosmos is meaningful in itself, beyond any projections from the human mind. It’s just what I hope this series of blogs will demonstrate. At any moment in time, astrology allows us to step back and watch the ongoing themes arising in the public world and in our personal lives, whose development we can follow and understand in the context of astrology’s bigger cosmic picture. For example events related to the covid epidemic can be put in the context of a meaningful patterning covering a wider reach of time than these days and weeks, and the planets in their ongoing inter-relationships are keys to the developing meaning. ...
Who am I? I am the author of 'Inside the Cosmic Mind: Archetypal Astrology and the New Cosmology'. which was published by Floris Books, Edinburgh, in August 2014. And this blog has been created to promote the book and the game-changing ideas it contains.