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Showing posts from 2015

Archetypal Astrology and the Equal House System

The Scottish astrologer Anne Whitaker, in an article published in this week's Mountain Astrologer's weekly blog, attributes her return from Placidus to the Equal House system to the philosophy of house division described in ‘Inside the Cosmic Mind’ ( ) She writes, “The students were very keen to know why I had decided to return to working with the Equal House system. For giving me the final shove in that direction, I want to thank Phoebe Wyss and her excellent recent book Inside the Cosmic Mind. I would urge any astrology student or practitioner to read this book if they are inclined to perceive astrology as a “top down” art, the practice of which reveals that we are expressing in micro form the shifting macro patterns of the whole cosmos. In Phoebe Wyss’ words: “Archetypal astrology is an approach to astrological chart interpretation that is based on this cosmological view. The m...

Summary of the ideas in Inside the Cosmic Mind by Claudia Nielsen

Review of a talk on 'Inside the Cosmic Mind' by Claudia Nielsen This talk was given by Phoebe Wyss to the London Scientific and Medical Network group in July 2015 “This month our speaker was Phoebe Wyss. Her talk was entitled Inside the Cosmic Mind, the title of her new book. Phoebe is a professional astrologer and this evening she explained her quest to validate astrology, which she found over the 35 years as a professional, was often dismissed as nonsensical because it cannot be tested with the tools of materialistic science. She started by pointing out the current perspective sees the cosmos as meaningless in accordance with the mainstream cosmological beliefs predicated on materialistic science. In contrast, ancient cultures had a more ‘right brain’ perception of the world in which they lived. Phoebe pointed out for example that the ancient Egyptians did not make a difference between inner and outer worlds. Both aspects were interrelated and the gods manifested in both...

Review in The Mountain Astrologer, Issue 183, October-November 2015

In  Inside the Cosmic Mind Phoebe Wyss chronicles her journey of following her curiosity about how astrology works, while along the way recording a theoretical justification for the practice of archetypal astrology, and its place in the context of postmodern thought. This is an ambitious undertaking but Wyss has written her book after long research and contemplation. She has visited megalithic sites in Britain, and pyramids and temples in Egypt, studied geometry, numbers, new paradigms in science, ancient and modern cosmologies, worked for 20 years in academia, and is a long-time practicing astrologer. Her book underscores themes that have been woven into astrology’s history from the earliest days, ie. “a more organic world picture in which a ‘chain of being’ was the backbone of creation.” Wyss refers to Richard Tarnas and Kieron Le Grice, whose earlier books Cosmos and Psyche , 2006 and The Archetypal Cosmos 2010 respectively describe complex ideas that form a “holis...

Manifesto for a 21st Century Cosmology

The univer se is an organic unity, alive in every atom and molecule and conscious down to the smallest particle. Corresponding to the ordering principles of the outer material world (the laws of nature) there are ordering principles in the universal psyche (the archetypes). These are core ideas in the cosmic mind, which were personified as deities in the different religions, and are the source of all values and meaning in human life. The cosmos is an on-going process and we are partaking co-creatively in its story. This book explores how, when cosmology is extended to include the inner realm of the psyche, it can offer a new understanding of what astrology really is and of its role in making our lives meaningful. Visit

What is Revolutionary about this Book

What is revolutionary about this book?  Coming from a top-down cosmology, it presents astrology as an ancient descriptive catalogue of the ordering principles of the ‘anima mundi’ or cosmic psyche. Its alternative cosmology is more complete than that of astrophysics because it includes the non-material dimension of the inner world. The universe is seen by the writer as a living unity, a giant organism alive and conscious down to the smallest particle. All things in existence are encompassed by this one whole. Thus everything in the cosmos is inter-connected, and there is no separation between objects or minds. The cosmic mind includes what we experience as the personal mind meaning we share in the consciousness of the cosmos. Mind and consciousness existed before matter, which was engendered in the course of evolution, rather than vice versa. The cosmos as a whole has not only a physical ‘body’ – its material parts – but like us has a non-material mental dimension and a psyche...

"A well-argued contribution towards a new understanding of astrology"

Review by David Lorimer in the Network Review No. 116  Winter 2015 ".... an archaic vision of oneness is indeed emerging in our time in which a newly formulated astrology has a significant role to play as part of a top-down understanding of life.  Overall, this is a well-argued contribution towards a new understanding of astrology." Some readers will already be familiar with the work of Richard Tarnas on archetypal astrology (Cosmos and Psyche) and the follow-up by Keiron le Grice, which helps put astrology on a new and more plausible philosophical basis. A number of key concepts inform the book, especially synchronicity and the Hermetic correspondence between above and below or heaven and earth. This was certainly recognised by the ancients and incorporated into stone circles. The first part explores Phoebe’s own journey towards a more comprehensive understanding of astrological principles. She discusses the history of cosmology, divine numbers and their signifi...

Inside the Cosmic Mind - Publisher's blurb

The following is the blurb from the back cover of Inside the Cosmic Mind  which my publisher wrote. For me, it is a good introduction to what the book is all about. Inside the Cosmic Mind: Archetypal Astrology and the new Cosmology presents a radical new approach to astrology in the light of the emerging worldview known as archetypal cosmology. In this book Phoebe explores the roots of this cosmology in the wisdom of the ancient Egyptian mysteries, then follows these ideas to modern times through Jung’s ideas on the nature of the psyche. In doing so she discovers that astrology is entirely compatible with the claims of the new cosmological thinking as envisioned by post-modern physics and chaos theory. She goes on to propose that the mathematical basis of astrology and the components of astrological charts are both psychological and cosmic in their scope. And she argues that the twelve astrological archetypes make up one single cosmic mind whose patterns are imprinted on all o...

Review by Anne Whitaker

Review of Inside the Cosmic Mind: Archetypal Astrology and the New Cosmology by Phoebe Wyss, by Anne Whitaker “ Like everyone else who has taken time out to study astrology in depth, I know it delivers…though I was never able to explain how it works, which left me helplessly wrong-footed…so in 2005 I started out on a quest to find the answer to this mystery, and this book is a record of the path I took, and of the unexpected places it led me.” I have recently finished Phoebe Wyss’ account of her quest, and have to say right away that I loved this book, which has already begun to inform my own astrology teaching to which I have recently returned after a very long break. The opening quote certainly applies to my relationship with astrology which began in 1980. I have a life-long interest in science and have been fascinated for a very long time by what I could grasp of the contingent, bizarre and paradoxical reality which quantum physics has been revealing to us throughout...

The first review - by Agnes Liebhardt

Inside the Cosmic Mind: Archetypal Astrology and the New Cosmology by Phoebe Wyss By  Agnes Liebhardt Published in Osho News ( ) Ever since humans began observing the skies and interpreting planetary movements, the relevance of astrology as an essential component of our cosmology has been debated by laymen and professionals alike. Phoebe Wyss’ book, Inside the Cosmic Mind, brings a refreshing new viewpoint to this debate. Weaving together the strands of history, mythology, quantum physics and Jungian psychology, Wyss proposes that astrology should rightly be considered a significant contributor to the currently emerging scientific paradigm of the 21st century. Reading this book feels like time travel, though not always in chronological sequence. We get to revisit and explore cultural components of ancient Egypt and Greece , Newtonian physics, 20th century scientific advances, art, architecture, psychology and variou...